25 Diaper Bag Must-Haves: A Checklist

Jan 11, 2019

Think of your diaper bag as a miniature, portable nursery. It should have everything you need to take care of baby for whatever period of time you’ll be away from home, whether you’re taking her to run errands, dropping her off at grandma’s or heading to see the pediatrician. First-time parents may not know exactly what’s required during outings with babies, but this guide will help you determine what’s a must-pack and a what’s a leave-behind in the diaper bag category. If you’re looking for a truly out-of-this-world baby shower gift for your favorite mama-to-be, consider picking out a cute diaper bag and filling it to the brim with these baby staples!

What to Pack in Your Diaper Bag

Diapers and Changing Gear—It’s called a diaper bag, after all! You should always make sure you have as many diapers or cloth diaper inserts as baby needs during the period of time you’ll be away, plus a few extras because accidents happen. So, if your little one typically needs eight diapers per day and you’ll be out from sun up till sun down, pack about 10 diapers.

Cloth Diapers

Baby Changing Pads

3. A pack of baby wipes

4. Travel-sized diaper rash cream

5. Plastic bags for dirty diapers

6. Hand sanitizer

woman packing diapers into bag

Food and Clothing—No matter what age your child is—whether she’s brand-new or on the cusp of toddler—it’s essential that you don’t leave the house without some extra food and clothing. Babies often have accidents, whether they are diaper-related or from a particularly messy playdate, so packing at least one extra outfit is essential.

Extra Onesies

Burp Cloths

9. A bottle or sippy cup of milk or formula

10. Water and snacks

11. A nursing cover

Medicine and Extra Care Items—Tricycle crashes, beestings, playground falls, poison ivy—your little one is adventurous and curious, so it only makes sense to pack the diaper bag with a few first-aid and medicine items so that you’re always prepared for everything. Always follow the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) medication safety recommendations to be sure you’re only treating baby with child-safe remedies. Make sure all medication is stored out of reach in a child-locking bottle or case.

12. A small first-aid kit

13. Antibiotic cream

security Blankets

16. A hairbrush

17. A travel-friendly thermometer

18. Emergency contact information

19. Toys and books for baby



Extra Essentials for Baby and Parent—The beauty of a good diaper bag is that, not only does it act as the vessel for all of your baby gear, but it can also be used as a makeshift purse. Toss in all of your personal items—wallet, keys, phone, camera, sunglasses, gum, etc.—in the front pocket for easy access. You might also want to keep a separate, small zippered pouch within your diaper bag specifically for your personal items.

22. Baby-safe pain reliever

23. A stuffed animal or security toy

24. Your phone charger

25. A notebook and a pen

    Getting Prepared for Baby

    With little ones, you never know what life is going to throw your way, so it’s best to be prepared so that you have everything you need to keep them happy, healthy, safe and engaged while you’re out and about! Whether you’re looking for diaper bag tips for your first few weeks of parenting or are looking for a list of day-to-day essentials to create a diaper bag gift basket any new parent will adore, Gerber Childrenswear is here to help!

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